A lowdown on what's happening in the world of Hollywood, right here.
Actress Angelina Jolie Pitt has strongly criticised the UN Security Council for its lack on unity and political will on resolving the Syrian crisis, stating that the powerful body has the power to address the dire situation but "those powers lie unused".
South African Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius on Friday broke his months-long silence about the shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, calling her death at his hands a year ago a "devastating accident".
Before finding their 'happily-ever-after', some Kapoors have endured and inflicted heartbreak.
These models have inherited their celebrity parents' good looks and genes.
"Sir Ben," I called out on the red carpet as he arrived to applause from hundreds of admirers at the Elgin theatre in Toronto. "You have played so many ethnic characters starting from Gandhi to Lenin, and now you are a humble New York cabbie. What led you to take this role?"
Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius will stand in a Pretoria dock on Monday to face a charge of murdering his girlfriend, opening the decisive chapter in the story of the rise and fall of one of the world's most recognisable athletes.
'The work I did after my first film Jaan Tere Naam was crap. I delivered seven flops in a row before the industry wrote me off. That was probably the worst time of my life.' Ronit Roy takes stock of his acting career.
Charles Darwin found his passion playing with rocks halfway around the world.
The 65th Emmys will be held on September 22 in Los Angeles.
Whether the audiences can warm up to the elegant but slow-moving The City of Your Destination, which is released by an independent distributor and with low key publicity, is anyone's guess.
As wrangling continues in Indian parliament over providing 33 per cent reservation to women, history shows political participation was more difficult for women in Britain and now only 20 per cent of MPs at the House of Commons belong to the fairer sex.
Charlie Wilson, the flamboyant Congressman from Texas who directed millions of dollars in covert funding to help mujahideens including Osama Bin Laden fight the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s, died last week in Texas. He was 76 and was ailing with heart problems.Wilson had said that had India joined the Americans in opposing the Soviets in Afghanistan, India would have been able to impress its own Muslim population. New Delhi missed a golden opportunity to win.
This patently unscary -- and really long -- movie drags on, testing your patience as absolutely everything goes on with uncaring, old-school predictability. It's like a half-hour script for a weak television horror episode cruelly yanked over full feature-length screentime, self-indulgently pretending it's better than random horror schlock because it's moody enough to contain dozens of repetitive silent moments. It isn't.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will appear on the cult American talk show Saturday Night Live. Obama will tape an appearance for the show's season premiere on Saturday in New York.
She was never a movie star but in the eyes of the Broadway audiences, who each pay something like $75 to see a hit play, she was a luminous actress.
Human Rights Watch has said that India's government clings to the criminalisation of homosexual conduct.
For Geraldine, the 58-year-old daughter of the world's greatest comedian Charlie Chaplin, Indian films are like "dreams, full of music, drama and beautiful endings."